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Master Your Money and Finances

By: One Nevada Credit Union / 29 Mar 2018
Master Your Money and Finances

People don't like to talk about money – at all. Salaries, retirement and savings are all relatively taboo topics. But, the one person you should be talking to about your finances is yourself. Yes, you are the key to your own financial health. The problem is, it's not always easy to be honest.

You're not alone
Over 57% of Americans lack financial health, according to the Center for Financial Services Innovation. At One Nevada, we take your financial health seriously. We want to see you succeed by spending less, saving more, borrowing smart and planning ahead.

Pump up your financial fitness
Instead of feeding you some tips written by rich Wall Street bigshots, we're sharing free, straightforward advice, programs, and services including Balance, our financial fitness program, our free credit score and monitoring service and Keeptrack®, our online financial tracking tool where you can manage all your accounts in one location.

Below is a list of four topics we'll discuss during financial literacy month that many families need financial help with. We'll post tips, links, videos and professional contacts each week.

Step #1: Spend less than you make
Learn how to pay all of your bills on time and find extra money at the end of the month. Let's Start! 

Step #2: Save for today, tomorrow, and years ahead
Learn how saving a little every month can protect you from life's unexpected expenses. Let's Learn!

Step #3: Borrow smart
Learn how to manage your debt and your credit for a brighter financial future. Let's Go!

Step #4: Plan ahead for your someday
Learn how family budgets, insurance plans, and automatic savings make good things happen. I'm Ready!

Want to talk to a One Nevada person about your money? Contact us or stop by any branch.

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